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Tallinn residents more eager to separate their waste

Compared to 2021, separating all waste by type has become a bit more popular. Of the types of waste, 75% of Tallinn residents collect paper and cardboard, plastic containers, glass containers, hazardous waste and electric and electronic waste separately. 87% of the residents of Tallinn collect paper and cardboard separately.
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MELT Innovation Forum inspires ambitious thinking

On Tuesday, 11 April, the MELT Innovation Forum will take place at Tallinn Creative Hub. In its eighth year, the top annual event for business development brings together like-minded people to share ideas of the future and spot opportunities for innovation.
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Nõmme’s water supply to switch to drinking water from Ülemiste water treatment plant for 12 hours

On Tuesday 28 March, AS Tallinna Vesi will be switching the water supply for the district of Nõmme to the drinking water from the Ülemiste water treatment plant for a period of 12 hours. The purpose of this test is to map out opportunities to ensure the water supply for the people and businesses of Nõmme in the event that the district suffers a wide-scale blackout and its well pump stations cannot supply them with water.