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Prototron funded 8 teams with a record 120,000 euros

A challenging year 2020 has put Estonians and Latvians invented – more than 500 ideas were submitted to Prototron. On 29th of January 2021, the winners of the Autumn 2020 round were announced – a record 120,000 euros were shared between 8 teams. So far Prototron has helped 86 technological solutions bought to market and invested more than one million euros in the implementation of smart ideas.

Nearly 20,000 citizens took part in the voting of the participatory budget

In the first-ever referendum on the participatory budget in Tallinn, almost 20,000 city dwellers cast their votes for their favourite ideas. 18,543 citizens cast their votes electronically, but the exact number of those who voted on paper will become clear after counting the votes today. The results of Tallinn participatory budget will be announced at the City Government press conference at noon on Wednesday, February 3.