Leibkonnad elukoha ja suuruse järgi, II kvartal 2000 Households by place of residence and size of households, 2nd quarter 2000 Leibkonna suurus Eesti/...
Winter season in the capital offers several fun sporting activities. This year's ice rinks and skiing trails in Tallinn are already open or about to...
Customers requiring disabled access are provided with facilities to perform acts of marital status (incl civil marriage ceremony) or vital records in...
Tallinn has submitted an application for the European Green Capital Award for the year 2018. City Introduction & Context 1. Climate change: Mitigation...
Rahvastik 1. Rahvaarvu dünaamika suuremates Eesti linnades 2. Tallinna rahvaarvu dünaamika, 1959-2001 3. Alaline elanikkond ja asustustihedus, 01.01...