eesti keeles / по русски There are many ways to get rid of a Christmas tree. An old Christmas tree is treated as waste and can be disposed of in the...
Projekti kirjeldus eesti keeles In autumn 2023, 15 new drinking water taps have been installed in different locations in Tallinn as part of a project...
Tallinna Linnaplaneerimise Amet osales projektipartnerina välisprojektis Baltic Urban Lab (2015-2018). Tallinn partnerlinnana võttis fookusesse Skoone...
The Gulf of Finland Year 2014 brings together experts, decision-makers and citizens from Finland, Estonia and Russia to work together for the creation...
Tallinna visioonikonverentsi 2021 "Õnnelik linn" programm Kolmapäeval, 15. septembril 2021 kell 9–17 toimus Kultuurikatlas Tallinna visioonikonverents...