Tallinn Sports and Youth Department is an ESC coordinating organisation. In 2020/2021 we will be coordinating 8 ESC services in Tallinn for period 07...
Tallinn`s Magdaleena Kindergarten is a small (6 group) public Estonian kindergarten operating in Tallinn since 1994. Our kindergartens provide a safe...
Childcare support is intended for the parent and is reflected as a discount on the invoices submitted by the childcare service provider. The support...
Study Tour to Amsterdam with support of the CASCADE projekt CASCADE is a 3-year project (2011-2014) of networking and mutual learning on local energy...
Ethical dilemmas and values connected with environmental education - Lily-Ann Wolff, Abo Akademie Keskkonnaharidus õppekavas - miks ja kuidas? - Georg...
1. English for International Relations (Part I) English for International Relations (Английский язык международных отношений (дипломатия/политика)) 35...