2. detsembril 2008 toimus BaltMet-i võrgustiku ametlik kohtumine Malmös. Osalesid 8 linna esindajad - Riia, Oslo, Stockholm, Tallinn, Warssavi, Malmö...
Winter season in the capital offers several fun sporting activities. This year's ice rinks and skiing trails in Tallinn are already open or about to...
Study Tour to Amsterdam with support of the CASCADE projekt CASCADE is a 3-year project (2011-2014) of networking and mutual learning on local energy...
eesti keeles / по русски There are many ways to get rid of a Christmas tree. An old Christmas tree is treated as waste and can be disposed of in the...
NB! SEMINARIDE ORIENTEERUVAD TOIMUMISAJAD Tegemist on esialgsete kuupäevadega ja need võivad veel muutuda. Seminaride teemad ja toimumiskohad teatakse...