Tallinna Meelespea Lasteaed osaleb partnerina Sihtasutus Archimedes Erasmus+ programmi strateegilise koostöö projektis: „Let the children change the...
Tallinna Meelespea Lasteaed osaleb partnerina Sihtasutus Archimedes Erasmus+ programmi strateegilise koostöö projektis: „Let the children change the...
EVENT DESCRIPTION The event consists of two days, first day is a training seminar for civil servants parallel with an open lecture and the second day...
1. English for International Relations (Part I) English for International Relations (Английский язык международных отношений (дипломатия/политика)) 35...
Maakasutus kruntide arvu järgi, 2000 Land use by the number of plots, 2000 Sihtotstarve Kruntide arv Plots Purpose Väikeelamumaa 18 334 Single family...
About the project We will challenge each others classes with a beebot challenge. Who will succeed all the challenges and is most creative in making a...
Tallinn has submitted an application for the European Green Capital Award for the year 2018. City Introduction & Context 1. Climate change: Mitigation...
Liikuri Lasteaed on osalenud mitmetes kohalikkes ning rahvusvahelistes projektides. Siit leiate viiteid nii aktiivsetele, kui ka möödunud projektidele...