General data of capital cities of the Baltic States Tallinn Riia Riga Vilnius Vilnius Elanike arv 399 850 788 283 577 969 Population Pindala, km 2 158...
Tallinna Meelespea Lasteaed osaleb partnerina Sihtasutus Archimedes Erasmus+ programmi strateegilise koostöö projektis: „Let the children change the...
Tallinna Meelespea Lasteaed osaleb partnerina Sihtasutus Archimedes Erasmus+ programmi strateegilise koostöö projektis: „Let the children change the...
eesti keeles / по русски There are many ways to get rid of a Christmas tree. An old Christmas tree is treated as waste and can be disposed of in the...
Hello everyone, my name is Nadja and I'm currently doing my voluntary service through European Solidarity Corps in the Tallinna kindergarten Südameke...