Tallinna Linnaplaneerimise Amet osales projektipartnerina välisprojektis Baltic Urban Lab (2015-2018). Tallinn partnerlinnana võttis fookusesse Skoone...
Kolleegide koostööhommik oli pühendatud muusika- ja kunstiteraapia meetodi tutvustamisele ja kasutamisele koolis. Muusikaõpetaja ja -terapeut Mirjam...
Childcare support is intended for the parent and is reflected as a discount on the invoices submitted by the childcare service provider. The support...
Tallinn Sports and Youth Department is an ESC coordinating organisation. In 2020/2021 we will be coordinating 8 ESC services in Tallinn for period 07...
EVENT DESCRIPTION The event consists of two days, first day is a training seminar for civil servants parallel with an open lecture and the second day...