Projekti kirjeldus eesti keeles In autumn 2023, 15 new drinking water taps have been installed in different locations in Tallinn as part of a project...
Tallinna Meelespea Lasteaed osaleb partnerina Sihtasutus Archimedes Erasmus+ programmi strateegilise koostöö projektis: „Let the children change the...
Tallinna Meelespea Lasteaed osaleb partnerina Sihtasutus Archimedes Erasmus+ programmi strateegilise koostöö projektis: „Let the children change the...
Schools for children with special needs and pupils with special needs, 1999/2001 Tallinn Eesti Estonia Koolide arv 9 48 Number of schools - eesti 5 38...
Baltic Sea Region – Perspective 2010 Brussels, 23 November 2004 Speech by Mr Peep Aaviksoo, Deputy Mayor of Tallinn Mr Chairman, ladies and gentlemen...
EVENT DESCRIPTION The event consists of two days, first day is a training seminar for civil servants parallel with an open lecture and the second day...