Winter season in the capital offers several fun sporting activities. This year's ice rinks and skiing trails in Tallinn are already open or about to...
Elukoha aadressi muutmine rahvastikuregistris Rahvastikuregistri seadus sätestab, et kõik isikud on kohustatud hoolitsema enda ja oma alaealiste laste...
24.06 – 27.06.2003 Mari Roots, Riine Kallas ja Väino Olev osalesid Telecities konverentsil. Konverentsi esimesel tööpäeval tutvustasid Tampere linna...
When a cobbler has decided to retire and hands over the workshop keys to a neighbour who has been dreaming of their own bar for a long time, tables, chairs and a sufficient amount of alcohol are not enough to make the neighbour’s dream come true.