The Gulf of Finland Year 2014 brings together experts, decision-makers and citizens from Finland, Estonia and Russia to work together for the creation...
Projekti kirjeldus eesti keeles In autumn 2023, 15 new drinking water taps have been installed in different locations in Tallinn as part of a project...
USA kruiisiajakiri Dream World Cruise Destinations (DWCD) tunnustab igal kevadel parimaid turismisihtkohti, sadamaid ja teenusepakkujaid. 2006. aastal...
Elamufond ja ehitustegevus 1. Elamufond, 01.01.2001 2. Eluruumide jaotus, 01.01.2001 (ilma eraomanduseta) 3. Eluruumide jaotus ehitamise aasta järgi...
Eight international volunteers arrived in Tallinn from Turkey, Russia and Germany five months ago to have a positive impact on the world’s development...
Õpetajad Hispaaniast JOB SHADOWING: TALLINNA SYBRAKESE KINDERGARTEN Abril 2023 - April 2023 En esta movilidad la seño Nieves y el maestro Ramón viajan...
About the project We will challenge each others classes with a beebot challenge. Who will succeed all the challenges and is most creative in making a...