Alates 01. septembrist 2022 osaleb Tallinna Arbu Lasteaed rahvusvahelises Nordplus Junior projektis "Nature - the basis of human health and positive...
Mis on arenguline kunstiteraapia? Arenguline kunstiteraapia (ingl. developmental art therapy ) on kunstiteraapia suund, mida kasutatakse töös lastega...
Cluster overview: Green Economy Cluster is developed by the Estonian Waste Recycling Competence Center. Main objectives of the cluster are to increase...
Projekt: Regionaalne panus Euroopa taaskasutuskogukonda - R4R Euroopa regionaalaaerngu fondi programm : INTERREG IV C Tallinna Linnavolikogu otsus nr...
eesti keeles / по русски There are many ways to get rid of a Christmas tree. An old Christmas tree is treated as waste and can be disposed of in the...