15-74-aastased majandusliku seisundi järgi, 2000 (tuh) Population aged 15-74 by economic status, 2000 (thous) ESA, Tööjõu-uuring Statistical Office of...
Childcare support is intended for the parent and is reflected as a discount on the invoices submitted by the childcare service provider. The support...
Study Tour to Amsterdam with support of the CASCADE projekt CASCADE is a 3-year project (2011-2014) of networking and mutual learning on local energy...
Väliskaubandus 1. Tallinna ekspordi struktuur tähtsamate kaubagruppide järgi, 2000 2. Tallinna impordi struktuur tähtsamate kaubagruppide järgi, 2000...
Childcare support is intended for the parent and is reflected as a discount on the invoices submitted by the childcare service provider. The support...