Elamufond ja ehitustegevus 1. Elamufond, 01.01.2001 2. Eluruumide jaotus, 01.01.2001 (ilma eraomanduseta) 3. Eluruumide jaotus ehitamise aasta järgi...
15-74-aastased majandusliku seisundi järgi, 2000 (tuh) Population aged 15-74 by economic status, 2000 (thous) ESA, Tööjõu-uuring Statistical Office of...
Review of the state of the Tallinn Bay and the factors affecting it (presented on the seminar " From planning to concrete art: Action plans by Baltic...
Projekti kirjeldus eesti keeles In autumn 2023, 15 new drinking water taps have been installed in different locations in Tallinn as part of a project...