Special prices apply when booking with reference „KSF" For information about special prices and reservation, please contact the hotels (contacts given...
City-owned representative buildings can be rented for receptions , seminars and meetings. The minimum rental time for the Roosikrants Residence , Jaan...
NB! Our centre has relocated to a new address – Endla 8 , 10122 Tallinn (Endla Street 8, see map here ). Opening hours: Mon 9:00–18:00 Tue & Thu 9:00...
In the Robotex EXPO area this year, you will be able to see engineering solutions, products and services from a wide range of robotics and technology...
A gem of Estonian functionalist architecture, the historic villa designed by Olev Siinmaa, hides in a quiet courtyard at Roosikrantsi 4b in the city...
Särgava Guest House, the former summer residence of K. Wellner, the majority owner of the legendary KaWe chocolate factory, is located in Pirita-Kose...