Notification of water supply and sewerage prices. The following companies offer the service in Tallinn: Tallinna Vesi, AS Esmar Ehitus, Tehnovõrkude...
Inglise Kolledži Spordihoone on Tallinna Spordi- ja Noorsooameti allasutuse Tallinna Spordihall filiaal. Sportimisvõimalused: Ujula - nelja rajaga 25...
Here you will find information about major construction works and the temporary traffic and public transport adjustments associated with them. Tallinn...
Uued veeteenuste hinnad puudutavad Pirita linnaosa Mähe, Lepiku ja Udeselja asumeid. Uued hinnad hakkavad kehtima 01.01.2025. Starting January 1, 2025, new water service tariffs will take effect in Pirita's Mähe, Lepiku, and Udeselja neighborhoods.
The reconstruction of the section between Ehte Street and Kolde puiestee in Põhja-Tallinn has been completed. New, wide sidewalks and improved street lighting were built around Ehte School to enhance safety for students and local residents.