Presentations about Klint park Home Vision Presentations about Klint park All materials here are in Estonian. Klint park vision 2021 (PDF) Klint park ideas presentation event materials from 31 March 2022: Eva-Maria Aitsam...
Guidelines for the restoration of buildings in scenic districts Home Heritage protection and scenic districts Scenic districts Guidelines for the restoration of buildings in scenic districts In order to value and preserve built heritage, general guidelines and conditions have been imposed that are specified based on the building’s...
Tallinna Ettevõtlusameti osalemine Euroopa Liidu projektides. Läbiviidud projektid Home International Cooperation International projects Tallinna Ettevõtlusameti osalemine Euroopa Liidu projektides. Läbiviidud projektid Läbiviidud projektid Projekti nimi: Cross-innovation - Promoting Cross-Innovation in European Cities and Regions Programm: INTERREG IVC Partnerid...