See which assistance services and benefits are provided for people and families in Tallinn who are struggling. Social benefits Subsistence benefit -...
On this page you will find services and benefits provided by the City of Tallinn to children and families with children. The main goal of the support...
Social housing is for people and families that are unable to ensure their own housing and need help with everyday life (social services and benefits)...
As of May 1, 2024, Tallinn updated its procedure for allocating municipal housing to ensure that housing is provided to those who need it most within a reasonable timeframe. Municipal housing is a temporary support measure designed to assist residents and their families facing difficulties for a specific period.
A volunteer mentor (support person) helps a child cope independently in situations where they need guidance, encouragement and motivation. The child...
The aim of supporting people returning to an independent life, i.e reintegration is to maintain or improve the person’s or family’s ability to cope in...