Sports halls
Ball games Õismäe Sportmängude Hall - basketball, volleyball, indoor hockey, indoor soccer Kalevi Spordihall -basketball, volleyball, gymnastics...
Old City Harbour tramway officially opened today
The Vanasadam (Old City Harbour) tramway was officially opened today, with regular tram services set to begin on Sunday, December 1.
Tallinn Day Program 2024
Here is the Tallinn Day Facebook event. Wednesday, May 15 10:00 | Opening the Lühike Jalg Street Gate This is the 23rd time when Tallinn Day begins...
Tallinn Day 2022
Tallinn Day 2022 eesti keeles / на русском языке Traditionally Tallinn Day is celebrated on 15 May, this year the events will take place throughout...
Tallinn Day celebrations extend over two days this year
This year is the 776th anniversary of the day Tallinn was granted city rights under Lübeck Law. This significant historical event will be celebrated during Tallinn Day, now in its 23rd occurrence. The festivities will take place on May 15 and 18, welcoming all residents and visitors.
Tallinn Day festivities begin on May 15
On Wednesday, May 15, and Saturday, May 18, both residents and visitors are invited to participate in the festivities of Tallinn Day, celebrating 776 years since Tallinn was granted city rights under Lübeck Law. The events kick off with a meeting between the Prime Minister and the Mayor at the Short Leg Gate, followed by the Mayor opening the doors of Tallinn Town Hall accompanied by the Tallinn Police Orchestra at 12:00.
Tallinn Day culminates on May 18 with the "Diverse City" concert-performance
This year, Tallinn Day celebrates the 776th anniversary of the granting of Lübeck rights. The festivities began on May 15 and will peak on Saturday, May 18, with several major events including the street festival Ghetto Games, the recycling festival UK Fest, the concert-performance "Multifaceted City," and much more. For the first time, Tallinn Night will also be celebrated as part of Tallinn Day.
Tallinn Day festivities culminate today with a concert-performance, a bike ride, and an afterparty
Today, May 18, the festivities for Tallinn Day continue, celebrating 776 years since the acquisition of Lubeck Law. Events last all day and culminate in the evening with the free concert-performance "Diverse City" in Toompea Park, followed by an afterparty at Patarei Sea Fortress.
Tallinn Old City Harbour tramway to be completed by February 2025
Today, the City of Tallinn signed a design and construction contract with Merko Ehitus Eesti AS and KMG Inseneriehituse AS for the construction of a tram line connecting Tallinn Old City Harbour and the future Ülemiste Terminal. The cost of the contract is €36.5 million plus VAT, and the construction works are due in February 2025.