The reconstruction of Varraku Street, which began in April 2024, is now complete, transforming the street into a safer and more pedestrian-friendly space.
The reconstruction of the section between Ehte Street and Kolde puiestee in Põhja-Tallinn has been completed. New, wide sidewalks and improved street lighting were built around Ehte School to enhance safety for students and local residents.
On Monday, 3 July, work will begin on a new Tondi railway crossing, which, when completed by the end of 2024, will include a new underpass allowing safer passage for both pedestrians, cyclists and motor vehicles.
Due to the next stage in pipeline construction works and the reconstruction of the Sõpruse puiestee and Tihase tänav intersection, Sõpruse puiestee will be partially closed to traffic within the construction zones from 22-28 August.
Due to ongoing roadworks in Tallinn City Centre, residents are advised to use public transport and plan extra time for their journeys. The challenging traffic conditions are partially alleviated in the autumn by the gradual restoration of tram lines and the reopening of several intersections for cars.
Starting Monday, June 10, construction work on water and sewer lines will begin on F. R. Kreutzwaldi Street, leading to traffic restrictions. At the same time, two-way traffic for both cars and public transport will be restored on Gonsiori Street, which has been closed since March last year due to the construction of the Old City Harbour tramway. Additionally, from June 7, the southern branch of Ahtri Street will be opened to traffic, and traffic in the harbour area will be fully restored.
On Monday, 10 October, Pronksi street will be closed to traffic in both directions from Narva mnt to Raua street due to reconstruction works. The intersections of Narva mnt - Pronksi and Raua - Pronksi will remain open to traffic.
Tallinn is planning a reconstruction of Värvi, Mustjõe and Veskimetsa streets to provide a more safe environment to all road users. The public introduction of the reconstruction project of the three streets will take place on Tuesday 15 November at 5:30 pm in the Kristiine district government hall (Metalli 5).
The public presentation of the project of the Majaka intersection and the Lasnamäe street light traffic route will take place on 16 February at 18.30 in Tallinn Service School (Majaka 2).