The City Archives are located on Tolli Street, on the northern edge of the Old Town near St. Olaf’s Church (Oleviste kirik) – see the Tallinn digital...
From 30 June to 2 July, the XIII Youth Song and Dance Celebration “Holy is the Land” will take place. Nearly 800 collectives with nearly 25,000 choir...
Today, 9 June, KUU and Nikita Atikin’s architects presented rough plans for the new building of Tallinn Hobby Centre Kullo. Although primarily meant for children and young people, the building will also become a modern community centre, adding value to the entire area.
The Tallinn City Government has allocated €5,870 from its reserve fund to the Estonian Heritage Society (Eesti Muinsuskaitse Selts) for supporting events commemorating the 80th anniversary of the March Bombing. The society has been organizing memorial events on March 9th in Tallinn since 1989, honoring the victims of the bombing.
Every summer, Tallinn renews the road markings around educational institutions to make children's journeys to school or kindergarten safer and drivers more attentive to small pedestrians. This summer, 324 pedestrian crossings around schools and 413 around kindergartens were updated, and on 1 September, police and municipal police officers will also help to ensure safety.