Here you can find information about health services in Tallinn. For example, you can see the locations of night pharmacies and get information about...
The NPO Kesklinna Perenõustamiskeskus and Tallinn Family Centre offer free family therapy to residents of Tallinn. You can come alone or with family...
Family service social workers and family workers help families with children who are struggling for various reasons. Those reasons may be related to...
On this page you will find services and benefits provided by the City of Tallinn to children and families with children. The main goal of the support...
During the Christmas and New Year weeks, Tallinn residents with health concerns can visit hospital emergency departments, Tallinna Hambakliinik (Tallinn Dental Clinic), on-call pharmacies, or contact the Family Doctor Advice Line.
At the start of 2025, Tallinn Children’s Hospital will launch a pilot project introducing an on-call doctor service aimed at improving access to primary healthcare for more children and alleviating the workload of the emergency department.