Tallinn Guilds Home Tallinn Guilds The Great Guild 1364–1922 (hereafter the inclusive dates for materials in the archive), St. Canute’s Guild 1393–1921 (printed catalogue: Aleksander...
Most importants archives Home Most importants archives The Tallinn City Council Archive (the Tallinn magistracy archive) contains documents from 1237 to 1889. The oldest and best-known part of the Council...
History Home History The Tallinn City Archives were established with the documents of the City Council. The Council Archives – a collection of documents that for a long...
Tallinna Ettevõtlusameti osalemine Euroopa Liidu projektides. Läbiviidud projektid Home International Cooperation International projects Tallinna Ettevõtlusameti osalemine Euroopa Liidu projektides. Läbiviidud projektid Läbiviidud projektid Projekti nimi: Cross-innovation - Promoting Cross-Innovation in European Cities and Regions Programm: INTERREG IVC Partnerid...