Memebers of the Environmental Commission 1 Rein Ratas - Chairman 2 Maimu Berg – Vice-Chairman 3 Tõnis Bittman 4 Mati Eliste 5 Jaak Jõerüüt 6 Nikolai...
Members of the Culture and Education Commission 1 Tarmo Lausing - Chairman 2 Märt Sults – Vice-Chairman 3 Paul Alekand 4 Maria Beljatskaja 5 Vladimir...
Kalev I ja Kalev II terminal Bus: 5, 14, 18, 20, 20A, 36 Tram: 3 ja 4 During the morning rush hour, there are 40 departures per hour from the terminal...
Members of the City Management Commission 1 Elmar Sepp - Chairman 2 Toomas Sepp – Vice-Chairman 3 Peep Aaviksoo 4 Tõnis Bittman 5 Mati Eliste 6 Oksana...