As per Government of the Republic Resolution of 29 December, the tourism sector will be supported by an additional 8 million euros, to which the remaining 1.9 million euros from the tourism crisis support given out in spring will be added. Application for accommodation companies and Tallinn Old Town catering companies is open from 29. March 9.00 to 8. April 16.00. Application for travel companies and sellers of handicraft, souvenirs or Estonian designs is open from 30. March 9.00 to 8. April 16.00.
The Tallinn City Government has submitted to the Tallinn City Council a draft ordinance that amends the procedures for awarding grants to Tallinn's private recreational schools, expanding the range of grant recipients and adding an additional possibility to use the grant.
Today, 2 November at 4pm in Jaan Poska House, Deputy Mayor Tanel Kiik will acknowledge and thank active leaders of apartment associations who have renewed the appearance and security of the courtyards of their apartment buildings or increased the energy efficiency and improved the exterior appearance of their apartment buildings in 2021.