Ball game courts Ristiku Basic School basketball court Ristiku 69 Contact Ristiku Basic School to inquire about the availability of the court Stroomi...
A self-driving bus is offering free rides in the Kodulahe neighborhood, between Stroomi Beach and Paldiski maantee, from Monday to Friday until December 20.
Tallinn, as the European Capital of Sport 2025, aims to generate positive and lasting value throughout its title year, encouraging residents to be more active and lead healthier lives.
Winter season in the capital offers several fun sporting activities. This year's ice rinks and skiing trails in Tallinn are already open or about to...
The Ministry of Climate, with support from the European Union, is allocating nearly €20 million to Tallinn to build a new tram line to Pelguranna. Combined with the city's contribution, the total investment exceeds €28 million.