A product of concern is a product whose waste causes or may cause a health or environmental hazard, environmental disturbance or excessive littering...
In the upcoming weekend and the following weekend, namely 13-14 May and 20-21 May, Tallinn residents can dispose of both hazardous waste and reusable items during the collection round near their homes.
During the weekends of October 21-22 and October 28-29, Tallinn residents can dispose of hazardous waste and reusable items at local collection events.
During the last two weekends of October, residents of Tallinn participated in a city-organized collection drive, handing over approximately 23,930.90 kilograms of hazardous waste and 107 cubic meters of reusable items. Tallinn residents have the ongoing opportunity to dispose of their hazardous household waste at no cost at six designated collection points throughout the city and at four waste treatment plants all year round.
As of December 1st, companies will change the price lists for waste collection in all the areas of Tallinn. The prices for emptying mixed waste containers will increase, while the prices for emptying other waste containers will remain the same.
The Tallinn Circular Economy Center (Ringmajanduskeskus) will once again organize hazardous waste and reusable item collection rounds on two weekends in October. On Saturday, October 19, the collection rounds will take place in Kristiine and Pirita districts, and on Sunday, October 20, in Nõmme and Lasnamäe. In Põhja-Tallinn and Haabersti, the collection will be held on Saturday, October 26, and in Kesklinn and Mustamäe on Sunday, October 27. Waste can be handed over free of charge.