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From March 1 to March 15, parents in Tallinn can submit applications for assigning a local school for children entering the first grade at municipal schools on September 1, 2024.
Since March 1, parents in Tallinn have been able to submit applications for assigning a local school for children entering the first grade at municipal schools on September 1, 2024. In just four days, over 2,200 applications have been submitted.
Parents in Tallinn have until this Sunday, March 24, to submit applications for assigning a school by place of residence for children entering the first grade in the 2024/2025 academic year. This year, about 4,600 children reach school age, and the Tallinn Education Department is awaiting applications or notifications of waiver from about 900 children.
The Tallinn Education Department has started notifying parents about the school place assignments for children entering the first grade on September 1, 2024. Parents have until June 10 to confirm their child’s school placement.
From 1 March, parents in Tallinn will be able to submit applications for the designation of schools of residence for children entering the first grade of municipal school in September 2023.