Tallinn City public relations / communication contacts
Main contact of the Communication Department: Karin Veskimäe, Head of Communication 5886 0444, karin.veskimae@tallinnlv...
Paying for parking
The parking charge may be paid via the mobile or buying a parking ticket from a parking meter, or a monthly pass. Parking using a mobile phone Smart...
Public Art Database and Online Map
Tallinn Strategic Management Office has created a public art database and online map . English version will be published in...
Temporary traffic arrangements due to President Rüütel’s funeral
On Saturday, January 11, the late President Arnold Rüütel, who passed away on December 31, will be laid to rest with a state funeral at the Estonia Theatre. Due to the funeral, temporary traffic restrictions and changes will be in effect in Tallinn on January 10 and 11. Police request drivers to follow traffic signs and instructions from officers.