One of the main objectives of the protection of scenic districts is to value and preserve these districts and renovate the historical environment in a...
The reconstruction of the section between Ehte Street and Kolde puiestee in Põhja-Tallinn has been completed. New, wide sidewalks and improved street lighting were built around Ehte School to enhance safety for students and local residents.
The reconstruction of Varraku Street, which began in April 2024, is now complete, transforming the street into a safer and more pedestrian-friendly space.
The Chairperson of the Tallinn City Council, Maris Sild, has declared the nominations open for the Tallinn Citizen of the Year award. Nominations are accepted until November 1, 2023.
Today, 2 November at 4pm in Jaan Poska House, Deputy Mayor Tanel Kiik will acknowledge and thank active leaders of apartment associations who have renewed the appearance and security of the courtyards of their apartment buildings or increased the energy efficiency and improved the exterior appearance of their apartment buildings in 2021.
The City of Tallinn will start informing residents about upcoming street repairs beginning next week. At the start of each week, Tallinn will update its social media and website with information about road and street repair works to keep residents informed about developments in their neighborhoods.