Online form for idea submission
You are submitting your idea to the platform for the planning of the use and division of public money. We assume that you are familiar with the...
Tallinn is looking for a new name for its participatory budget
The new name or slogan should be short, catchy, and invite everyone to take part in shaping their living environment.
Tallinna Ettevõtlusameti osalemine Euroopa Liidu projektides. Läbiviidud projektid
Läbiviidud projektid Projekti nimi: Cross-innovation - Promoting Cross-Innovation in European Cities and Regions Programm: INTERREG IVC Partnerid...
Tallinn invests in major cultural projects and prioritizes accessibility to cultural events
Among Tallinn’s most significant investments in the 2025 city budget is the completion of the Tallinn City Theatre complex on Lai Street. At the same time, work will begin on designing the city's next major cultural project—the Tallinn Open Collections Facility. A total of €56.5 million has been allocated for operating expenses and investments in the cultural sector.
City's education budget focuses on transition to Estonian-language education and teacher salary increases
Tallinn's 2025 city budget allocates €418 million for education, focusing on creating new school places, transitioning to Estonian-language education, and developing and renovating educational institutions.
Tallinn Welfare and Health Care Department
Endla 8, 10122 Tallinn Phone +372 645 7440 E-mail Registry code 75014965 Head of Department Raimo Saadi The Tallinn Welfare...
Tallinn focuses on developing a 15-minute city and enhancing quality of life
Tallinn’s 2025 budget emphasizes the principles of the 15-minute city and an analysis of the spatial distribution of services. This approach enables more efficient planning for new kindergartens, schools, and services for seniors, improving accessibility and aligning with community needs.
Tallinn’s social services budget to improve accessibility and expand support
The 2025 budget proposal for Tallinn prioritizes reducing fragmentation in social services and restructuring management and operations. The city plans €126.2 million for social welfare activities, €23.3 million for healthcare activities, and €16.3 million for investments across these sectors. The budget proposal is subject to approval by the City Council.
Tallinn's 2025 budget marks a new era of tramway expansion
Tallinn’s 2025 city budget lays the groundwork for expanding the tram network across districts. Inspired by other Northern European cities, street redevelopment will focus on improving quality of life and accessibility for businesses.