So said Yuliia Zamushynska, ecologist from the EcoVin Municipal Utility Company in Vinnytsia (Ukraine) when she introduced plans for developing waste management in Vinnytsia during a study visit to Tallinn last week.
Did the strap of your new bag break or your washing machine stop working a few months after purchase? Are you thinking about starting up your own business, but are not familiar with the comprehensive legal framework? If you need help in situations like this, contact the City Enterprise Services Consumer Protection Department.
The 17th Tallinn Design Festival will take place from 19 to 25 September 2022, focusing on issues related to sustainability and green design. Discussions on methods to readjust the impact of human activities on the environment in an era fixed on economic success, examples of circular design from different countries, enlightening stories told by professionals and workshops on essential recycling will all be featured over the course of the festival.
The Science and Business Park Tehnopol and the Tartu Science Park will begin work this month as the operators of the NATO innovation accelerator DIANA, and the accelerator will open its doors next year.
Mayor of Tallinn Mihhail Kõlvart launched the Test in Tallinn initiative to welcome companies around the world to test their smart solutions on the streets of Tallinn in three focus areas: mobility, energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Once you’ve decided WHAT to sell, you have to decide WHERE to sell it. When choosing the premises for your shop, consider that they can only be used...
Latitude59, the most important technology and start-up conference in the Baltics, will take place in Tallinn on 25-26 May and is expected to attract 3000 visitors from around the world.
The Tallinnovation competition for innovation organised by Tehnopol and the city of Tallinn received a record 25 applications this year. The jury chose four companies from among them that will receive a total of 100,000 euros to help bring their solutions into the urban space.