See also in EST / RUS School buses are free of charge for anyone who is attending elementary, middle or high school, provided the student shows their...
Additional information (timetables, route changes, and stops): Ending detour: Bus route No.5 will end its detour and go back to...
The Kalamaja Community Museum is located at Kotzebue 16, Tallinn. From the first moment, the Kalamaja Community Museum was created together with the...
The predecessor to the Salme Culture Centre was the J. Tomb Club, founded in 1940 in the House of the Brotherhood of the Blackheads. In 1965, the new...
The Management Board must submit a petition application for the registration in the Commercial Register within six months of concluding the Foundation...
CODE OF CONDUCT Make a list of essential items and pack an evacuation bag. See also recommended evacuation equipment below. Follow the instructions of...
Waste management is developed on the basis of the national waste plan and the Tallinn waste management plan . The state and city waste plan deals with...