If you have no heating Home If you have no heating CODE OF CONDUCT There should be at least one electrically independent heating appliance in the home that can be used safely indoors, such as a...
Advertising tax discount based on the emergency situation 2020 Home Advertising tax discount based on the emergency situation 2020 ADVERTISING TAX DISCOUNT BASED ON THE EMERGENCY SITUATION Based on Tallinn City Government 08.04.2020 resolution no 455-k , the Tallinn City...
Sports facilities managed by the city of Tallinn Home Sports facilities managed by the city of Tallinn Enter a sport in the search and find a suitable sports venue! SPORTS HALLS STADIUMS SWIMMING POOLS ICE RINKS AND HALLS TENNIS COURTS OTHER SPORTS...
Quality Home Tallinn Education Department Quality Quality Quality network of educational institutions Meeting Tallinners’ diverse basic educational and child care needs by ensuring a sufficient number of...
Tammsaare Novel Award Home For cultural organizers Awards Tammsaare Novel Award The publisher of the Tammsaare Novel Award is the city of Tallinn in cooperation with the Estonian Writers' Union and the Tallinn Book Center. The...
Tallinn Industrial Parks Home Business guide Accommodation for your business Tallinn Industrial Parks Tallinn Industrial Parks is a company owned by the City of Tallinn. Its goal is provide beneficial conditions for the development of industrial...
Rankings Home Rankings What is common for the twin cities Helsinki and Tallinn? 3D city model demonstration Tallinn has fruitful cooperation in many fields with its twin...
City of Tallinn at MIPIM 2015 Home City of Tallinn at MIPIM 2015 City of Tallinn in partnership with Enterprise Estonia and Estonian companies participated in the leading real estate event for property prefessionals...
Old Jewish Cemetery in Tallinn Home Old Jewish Cemetery in Tallinn The Old Jewish Cemetery is the earliest-known Jewish burial site in Tallinn. The history of Tallinn’s Jewish community dates back to the medieval...
Glehni rahula (Glehn’s cemetery) Home Glehni rahula (Glehn’s cemetery) Glehn’s cemetery is located at 13 Lossi Street. Nikolai von Glehn established a cemetery in 1896 after his wife Carolina Henriette Marie von Glehn...