The Spirit and Clint character area located between Pallasti Bridge and Narva Road entwines the clint’s landscape with Estonian cultural history, as...
The park is located in Merivälja district between Kesktee (Central Road), Salu (Grove), Heki (Hedge) and Võra (Top of a tree) Streets and is 3,2 ha in...
Tall Ships Races Tallinn 2024 has earned international recognition, receiving the Host Port of the Year 2024 award from Sail Training International and the Maritime Act of the Year title from the Estonian Ministry of Climate. These accolades highlight Tallinn's contribution to organizing the international regatta, engaging young people, and promoting maritime culture.
City-owned representative buildings can be rented for receptions , seminars and meetings. The minimum rental time for the Roosikrants Residence , Jaan...
A product of concern is a product whose waste causes or may cause a health or environmental hazard, environmental disturbance or excessive littering...