Tuvi (Pigeon) Park Home Tuvi (Pigeon) Park Tuvi Park is located between Veetorni, Tõnismäe, Toomkuninga and Suur‑Ameerika Streets. The present name is pretty conventional and relatively new...
Reduction of hazards resulting from processing dangerous substances Home Service Reduction of hazards resulting from processing dangerous substances Development of measures necessary to prevent environmental hazards that may arise during the transportation of dangerous goods, when handling...
Transportation of carcases Home Service Transportation of carcases Removal of carcases from public space. Please call to 621 7746 and state the location of the carase. The removal of carcases located on private...
The Executive Committee of the Tallinn Council of People's Deputies Home The Executive Committee of the Tallinn Council of People's Deputies The Executive Committee of the Tallinn Council of People's Deputies (CPD), its administrations and departments 1944–1989; City Regional Executive...
Video: Innovative Tallinn 20. January 2025 Home News Video: Innovative Tallinn World-class human capital, unique digital capabilities and a competitive business environment make Estonia a smart, agile location for business with...
Tourism destination marketing Home Service Tourism destination marketing Representing of Tallinn in international fairs and other events, development of tourism marketing materials, management of www.visittallinn.ee...
Kadaka Sportshall Home Service Kadaka Sportshall Ball sports hall, aerobics hall, tennis. Additional Services : dressing rooms and shower rooms, solarium, sports equipment rental, facility rental for...
Cederhelm’s Park Home Cederhelm’s Park The park was originally a part of the summer manor called Cederhilms Höfchen. The oak‑tree alleyway and the orchard lying at the eastern end of the...
Kristiine Sporthouse Home Service Kristiine Sporthouse Sporting facilities: two ball games hall, a judo hall, a gym Additional Services : dressing rooms and shower rooms, facility rental. Additional...
The Treasury Home The Treasury An overview of the archival collections extending over eight hundred years is represented in the permanent exhibition, the so-called treasury. The...