Paying of fines according to the following laws: Local Government Organisation Act § 662-663; Alcohol Act § 69-72; Packaging Act § 29-31, Penal Code §...
Nõmme Ema Park is located at a crossroads of Jaama and Kõvera Streets. The park is a small park with low hedges in the centre of the Nõmme quarter. A...
Under this tab, StartupEstonia compiled an overview of the different business service providers in and around the Estonian startup ecosystem. We hope...
Waste management is developed on the basis of the national waste plan and the Tallinn waste management plan . The state and city waste plan deals with...
It is a former kindergarten’s area. Old buildings of the kindergarten were pulled down on the plot at 3 Karjamaa Street in 2009. The plot of land got...