Residents’ satisfaction with the selection of cultural events taking place in Tallinn has returned to a level as high as it was before Covid-19 but the opportunities to visit these events as much as wanted is in a downward trend. The most popular cultural events organised by the city are Tallinn Old Town Days and Tallinn Maritime Days.
During this year’s first round of non-profit music projects, 54 projects were submitted and the chosen projects received support from the city in the sum of 152,650 euros. In total, the expert commission decided to support 27 events.
18 linden trees on Ahtri and Kai streets and Narva Road will be replanted in a new location because of the construction of the Vanasadama tramway. Work on Kai Street will start today, on 11 April.
Tallinn is implementing additional measures to prevent illegal parking on pavements. The fine will be raised by €40, in several places driving onto pavements will be prevented with posts and landscaping and the municipal police bicycle patrol will also start as a pilot project, targeting primarily parking on bicycle lanes and pavements.
Today, 2 November at 4pm in Jaan Poska House, Deputy Mayor Tanel Kiik will acknowledge and thank active leaders of apartment associations who have renewed the appearance and security of the courtyards of their apartment buildings or increased the energy efficiency and improved the exterior appearance of their apartment buildings in 2021.
On Friday, 25 November from 8-9 am, three sports halls and three winter swimming centers in Tallinn will be hosting a sports morning, where everyone can take part in free training sessions.
A new corpus was opened today at the Iru Nursing Home in which six wards equipped with modern and high levels of integrated social and health services will provide care for citizens who require high maintenance care.
Tallinn’s ice-skating rinks will open on November 19. All townspeople are welcome to join the winter fun. The capital's schools have the opportunity to organize free physical education classes on the ice rinks and there will also be free access to all senior citizens.
As of December 1st, companies will change the price lists for waste collection in all the areas of Tallinn. The prices for emptying mixed waste containers will increase, while the prices for emptying other waste containers will remain the same.