Kopli kalmistupark (Kopli Cemetery Park) Home Kopli kalmistupark (Kopli Cemetery Park) Kopli Cemetery Park was established in 1774 after the Russian Empress Katherine II and the senate signed the ukase in 1772 prohibiting burying the...
Stroomi Beach Park Home Stroomi Beach Park In1935−1938 a two-storied beach building including the Pelguranna restaurant was completed at the Stroomi beach. A 100 metres long swimming bridge...
Place in a boarding school facility Home Service Place in a boarding school facility Temporary living and studying in the Children's Centre in Lasnamäe.
Municipal markets Home Service Municipal markets Management of municipal markets and selling of tickets for trading.
Modern pentathlon Home Service Modern pentathlon Provision ofmodern pentathlon to children, young people and adults
Management of port structures Home Service Management of port structures Oganisation of the management of port buildings and bank reinforcements.
Kalev Home Kalev Kalev I ja Kalev II terminal Bus: 5, 14, 18, 20, 20A, 36 Tram: 3 ja 4 During the morning rush hour, there are 40 departures per hour from the terminal...
Most significant parks of Tallinn Home Services Culture, Sport and Leisure Leisure Most significant parks of Tallinn In Tallinn, there are dosens of parks green areas from tiny Green Market in Lai Street to the great Kadrioru Park that lays over the area of 85...
Official notices Home Service Official notices Official notices are made available on Tallinn's website and in newspapers.
City-wide events promoting healthiness Home Service City-wide events promoting healthiness Organisation of city-wide events to health care professionals and to the population.