HHLA TK Estonia and Fernride, a German developer of autonomous trucks, are testing a unique autonomous port truck in the Muuga container terminal. It has no equivalents in the world, and if the tests are successful, the Muuga project can set a completely new direction in organisation of port operations.
Together with entrepreneurs, residents, researchers and students, smart city is looking for new innovative solutions to make the urban environment better, cleaner, and more humane and environmentally friendly.
The Prototron Fund , the first in Estonia to finance prototype development has announced a competition to find companies that need support in turning...
Within development of Vormsi green area we are engaging different stakeholders to achieve nature based solution that would suit local expectation and possibilities as much as possible. Collaboration with different organisation we are also able to reach more people and raise awareness regarding benefits of urban nature. Members of cooperation network are formed based on the main goals of GoGreenRoutes project which can be generalised under three main topics: environment, community and wellbeing.
In Tallinn, the first 23 shelters were determined, the first of which – the car park under Freedom Square – was marked accordingly today. Such shelters can be accessed by people who happen to be on the streets nearby should we be unexpectedly hit by a crisis of any kind, from a natural disaster to a military threat.