Special prices apply when booking with reference „KSF" For information about special prices and reservation, please contact the hotels (contacts given...
A volunteer mentor (support person) helps a child cope independently in situations where they need guidance, encouragement and motivation. The child...
There are two kinds of shelters: a around the clock shelter and a night shelter. 24/7 temporary shelter is for adults who do not have a home and who...
We recommend using electronic means instead of direct contact. In order to obtain the birth benefit for residents of Tallinn, the child must meet the...
EST / RUS As a result of an energy price increase, the state will start paying energy subsidies to households with low or medium income. The subsidy...
Startup Garage and TalTech Startup Centre invite you to participate in the new IGNITER business idea development program where you can make your sparking ideas ignite to a functioning business.