The reconstruction of Varraku Street, which began in April 2024, is now complete, transforming the street into a safer and more pedestrian-friendly space.
Tallinn, as the European Capital of Sport 2025, aims to generate positive and lasting value throughout its title year, encouraging residents to be more active and lead healthier lives.
The green wave implemented on Liivalaia Street in early October has made traffic flow more smoothly for vehicles while maintaining full pedestrian crossings. Control tests conducted this week confirmed the effectiveness of the system as predicted.
Särgava Guest House, the former summer residence of K. Wellner, the majority owner of the legendary KaWe chocolate factory, is located in Pirita-Kose...
In 2025, Tallinn’s property management priorities will focus on improving the energy efficiency of apartment buildings and enhancing municipal properties. The city’s budget allocates €45.5 million for operational costs and €22.6 million for investments in this sector.
The Tallinn City Government is set to submit the 2025 city budget proposal to the City Council. The proposed budget totals €1.29 billion, which is €69.9 million (5.7%) higher than the revised 2024 budget. The largest portions of both investment and operational expenses are allocated to education and mobility.