The number of foreign tourists in Tallinn is on the rise and more than half of the city residents think that there should be more of them. From the point of view of the future of Tallinn's foreign tourism, it is important to invest in activities that increase the attractiveness of the city as a destination and to maintain a stable economic environment aimed at increasing competitiveness.
The Tallinn City Government decided during today’s meeting that seven locations in Old Town will be leased out to Ringo Eco OÜ, a business specialising in green technology. The aim of this cooperation is to conduct a month-long pilot project to test the collection of reusable packaging in Old Town.
From Monday, 1 May, Bolt will set the maximum speed of electric scooters in the centre of Tallinn as 20 km/h on most streets as opposed to the previous 25 km/h. This is a pilot project born in cooperation with the Tallinn City Government and the police. The purpose is to calm traffic and monitor the change in traffic behaviour.
On Monday, 8 May, the city of Tallinn will open a mending workshop (Sõpruse puiestee 255) in cooperation with MTÜ Uuskasutuskeskus and Tallinn Technical University, where city residents can bring both clothing and home textiles to be mended.
Latitude59, the most important technology and start-up conference in the Baltics, will take place in Tallinn on 25-26 May and is expected to attract 3000 visitors from around the world.
Tallinn Waste Centre and the technology company ibiot are testing sensors that monitor the filling of waste containers and give a signal when the container is due to be emptied in order to prevent containers from being overfilled and waste transport vehicles from running empty.
On Monday, 3 July, work will begin on a new Tondi railway crossing, which, when completed by the end of 2024, will include a new underpass allowing safer passage for both pedestrians, cyclists and motor vehicles.
Tallinn suspended mowing in city parks and green areas at the beginning of June to account for the dry period; however, it is now permitted to partially mow and remove by hand common orache and any other weeds whose spread inhibits the growth of more desirable, diverse green spaces.
A total of seven applications were submitted for the second phase of project evaluations in the Test in Tallinn program that was started in the European Green Capital year. Four of them were accepted for testing.