Staying in Estonia How long can I stay in Estonia? As of 9 March 2022, Ukrainian citizens and their family members who have come to Estonia because of...
Among Tallinn’s most significant investments in the 2025 city budget is the completion of the Tallinn City Theatre complex on Lai Street. At the same time, work will begin on designing the city's next major cultural project—the Tallinn Open Collections Facility. A total of €56.5 million has been allocated for operating expenses and investments in the cultural sector.
Tallinn's 2025 city budget allocates €418 million for education, focusing on creating new school places, transitioning to Estonian-language education, and developing and renovating educational institutions.
The 2025 budget proposal for Tallinn prioritizes reducing fragmentation in social services and restructuring management and operations. The city plans €126.2 million for social welfare activities, €23.3 million for healthcare activities, and €16.3 million for investments across these sectors. The budget proposal is subject to approval by the City Council.
The Tallinn City Government is set to submit the 2025 city budget proposal to the City Council. The proposed budget totals €1.29 billion, which is €69.9 million (5.7%) higher than the revised 2024 budget. The largest portions of both investment and operational expenses are allocated to education and mobility.
Below is an overview of Tallinn’s scenic areas by district. The descriptions of each scenic area include a map of the area showing the borders of the...
Tallinn’s Deputy Mayor Aleksei Jašin is participating in the Helsinki Education Capital Event, an international gathering of education experts held in Helsinki from November 12–14, where he is presenting Estonia’s ongoing education reforms and sharing the city of Tallinn’s experiences.
By Tuesday, City Centre and in Nõmme districts had reached the legitimacy quota on the participatory budget vote. Residents in the other districts are encouraged to actively contribute to reaching the minimum required.
Tallinn City Government has approved the draft city budget for 2022 with a total of €1.033 billion in revenue and expenditure, €76.4 million or 8% more than this year's revised budget.