World-class human capital, unique digital capabilities and a competitive business environment make Estonia a smart, agile location for business with...
The continuous monitoring of energy, ventilation and air quality in hundreds of buildings generates big data. Analytics are developed to handle this...
The Tallinn City Museum is both a museum in a medieval merchant house introducing the history of Tallinn as well as an umbrella organisation uniting...
The Tallinn Philharmonic Society is a concert organisation located in Tallinn Old Town in the historic House of the Brotherhood of the Blackheads on...
The Tallinn City Theatre was founded in 1965 and the opening performance was held on 13 February 1966 with the play ‘Judge Us, People!’. At the time...
The Tallinn City Government approved a regulation today to raise the minimum salaries of youth workers in the city’s youth centers and youth work institutions, effective January 1, 2025.
R8 Technologies – R8 Digital Operator is one of the most promising ideas of Tallinnovation competition. Problem : Commercial real estate consumes one...
Consultants at the consumer protection information point provide consumer protection consultation with issues related to the following fields: buying...