The changes will be implemented from 21 October. Citizens had the opportunity to express their views and make proposals from 3-20 September before the...
Important telephone numbers: Queries about the archive of the Tallinn Buildings Register: 645 7425 (Merle Sutt, Merle Urm) Queries about archival data...
Members of the City Management Commission 1 Elmar Sepp - Chairman 2 Toomas Sepp – Vice-Chairman 3 Peep Aaviksoo 4 Tõnis Bittman 5 Mati Eliste 6 Oksana...
Members of the City Property Commission 1 Leonid Mihhailov - Chairman 2 Deniss Boroditš – Vice-Chairman 3 Peep Aaviksoo 4 Maria Beljatskaja 5 Nikolai...
The Tallinn City Government is preparing to consolidate the management of the Tallinn Creative Hub, Salme Cultural Center, and Vene Cultural Center under a single administration. As part of this restructuring, St. Catherine’s Church—a renowned venue for cultural events—will also be integrated into the new structure. The planned merger is set to take place during the summer, between cultural seasons.