Here you can find sports clubs in Tallinn that organise training sessions for children and young people aged 7-19 and receive a sports grant from the...
In 2024, Tallinn is consulting 4 municipalities on sustainable development while testing the sustainability governance model. The expert support was...
Pirita terminal Bus: 1A, 8, 34A, 38 During the morning rush hour, there are 14 departures per hour from the terminal (every ~4 minutes on average) and...
A gem of Estonian functionalist architecture, the historic villa designed by Olev Siinmaa, hides in a quiet courtyard at Roosikrantsi 4b in the city...
The City model can be viewed on website City model is a continuously renewed and upgraded three-dimensional digital...
This service is meant for adults with mental disorders who can take care of themselves and are capable of doing everyday activities but need support...