The Prototron Fund , the first in Estonia to finance prototype development has announced a competition to find companies that need support in turning...
The Tallinn Urban Space Festival opened an exhibition "Winter Waste" as part of the URBREATH research project, which focuses at the snow dumping ground in the city centre and highlights the seasonal changes that accompany the melting of snow.
On the 3rd of February, a meeting took place within the GoGreenRoutes project, during which residents, local organisations and city officials discussed the future of the Vormsi green area. The goal is to maintain the green area and transform it into an accessible leisure space while also considering its existing historical heritage and urban nature that has formed over time. The meeting focused on discussing and planning this year’s activities that could help to reach the desired solutions step by step.
In Tallinn, the first 23 shelters were determined, the first of which – the car park under Freedom Square – was marked accordingly today. Such shelters can be accessed by people who happen to be on the streets nearby should we be unexpectedly hit by a crisis of any kind, from a natural disaster to a military threat.
Estonia will be represented in the global competition Creative Business Cup by SUTU, a company that has developed a material made from reeds that can be used to produce bank cards, for example. The competition will take place on 4-5 June in Copenhagen, Denmark, and will bring together around 80 countries who have chosen a creative and innovative start-up to represent them.