By calling to the information number 14410 of Tallinn Municipal Police Department, the department exercises supervision over: 1. Purchase of alcohol...
Special prices apply when booking with reference „KSF" For information about special prices and reservation, please contact the hotels (contacts given...
The first phase of renovation works has been completed at the historic House of the Blackheads, managed by the Tallinn Philharmonic Society. The building now boasts upgraded technical systems and modern automation. A ceremony was held on November 28 to honor those who contributed to the renovations.
GreenTwins is developing a green model for the digital twin cities (HEL-TAL), analysing physical space models and digitising geoinformatics data and...
A gem of Estonian functionalist architecture, the historic villa designed by Olev Siinmaa, hides in a quiet courtyard at Roosikrantsi 4b in the city...